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How to Test Hair Porosity

How to Test Hair Porosity

Knowing your hair porosity is key to ensuring that you are using the right products for your hair. Here are three simple methods you can use to test your hair porosity:  

  1. The Float Test: Take a few strands of clean, dry hair and drop them into a bowl of water. 
  • If your hair floats, it is low porosity because the tightly closed cuticles prevent water from entering the hair shaft. 
  • If your hair sinks quickly, it is high porosity because the open cuticles allow water to penetrate the hair shaft easily. 
  • If your hair sinks slowly, it is medium porosity. 
  • The Slide Test: Take a single strand of hair between your fingers and slide your fingers up the hair shaft, starting from the ends towards the roots. 
    • If your fingers slide smoothly, your hair is low porosity because the closed cuticles prevent friction. 
    • If your fingers encounter some resistance, your hair is medium porosity. 
    • If your fingers slide up quickly, your hair is high porosity because the open cuticles allow your fingers to slide up easily. 
  • The Spray Bottle Test: Spray a small section of clean, dry hair with water. 
    • If the water beads up and sits on top of the hair, your hair is low porosity because the tightly closed cuticles prevent water from penetrating the hair shaft.
    • If the water is absorbed immediately, your hair has high porosity because the open cuticles allow water to quickly penetrate the hair shaft.
    • If the water is absorbed slowly, your hair is medium porosity. 
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