[message]In the News | Urban Hydration
Ingredient Insiders: Peach
Used in our Peach and Papaya Bath Collection, peaches are an important ingredient that gives your skin the extra luhv it needs! Filled with carotene and Vitamin C, peaches...
National Almond Day: Benefits of Almond for Hair and Skin
Happy National Almond Day! Fun fact: Almonds have actually been used for centuries as a natural skincare treatment for conditions such as eczema and psoriasis. We use Almond oil in...
National Bubble Bath Day - 2023 Bath Reset
Happy National Bubble Bath Day! As we all start the second week of 2023, here’s your reminder to prioritize your self-care and skin care always! This year, prioritize your body...
Fall Skincare Tip 1: Everything Oil
With the Fall weather setting here are some tips this month to change up your skincare for the season shift! Join our email list for updates and new tips throughout...